I did a pretty good job of blogging last semester.
This semester, not so much.
I just took my second test of the semester. Most people don't have class on test days - "most" does not apply to nursing classes. Two hours of lecture, and another test tomorrow that I have yet to even download the study guide for. All I want to do right now is nap.
No motivation. None at all.
Camp ended well. I think I am done with Snowbird. Not in a negative way, but I feel a lot of closure. I was ready to be done by the end of the summer, and excited about returning to Clemson. I love Clemson, and so far, I love this year. Senior year is a lot more chill than Junior year (once again, tack a "so far" on the end of that, and disregard that statement in reference to this week). I only have three classes, all of which are moderately enjoyable.
I just looked at my study guide. Now I really, really want a nap.