I currently feel like I am drinking out of a fire hydrant as far as life goes. This has been potentially the most ridiculous week of my life - (ridiculous enough to be blog-worthy). I have a lot on my mind. Lots of decisions to make - including both the immediate, the long term, and the even longer term - and lots of worries that I really shouldn't be worried about because I serve a God who has proven Himself faithful over and over again. I think this week I've been a position, maybe even for the first time in my life, where I have had no other choice but to trust God - situations that were completely out of control and all transpiring at the same time. I learn a lot when I am stretched in ways that I don't particularly appreciate being stretched.
This week, I have learned that I am capable of making decisions that require complete faith that the outcome will be worth it, despite what it takes to get there. I have been reminded that God is always, always, always going to provide, even if I have to break a sweat while waiting rather impatiently. I have been reminded how much i miss Rachel Eckard, currently spending the semester in South Asia. I've learned the at the best part of waking up really IS Folgers in your cup - thank you Junior II.
I've been reminded that above everything else, God is in control, and I am not, and I am immeasurably thankful for that.
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