
my mother blog stalks me.

MoeJoe's has become one of my favorite places in Clemson this semester. Whether it's meeting friends for coffee, struggling over clinical paperwork, fighting for motivation to study, wishing I could pour more time into my Romans assignments for camp instead of "touchy-feely nursing" or chugging enough caffeine to make it until bedtime, I spend way too much time here. Too much money, too, but that's another story. Spring break was needed, but ultimately Clemson is home for me right now and it's nice to be back in the swing of things. I can't believe I am thinking like that, but it's definitely a welcomed train of thought. Spring break was stressful, and I think my mind is working in overdrive right now.

Last night, the topic of CP group was "Five Things I Wish I Knew Before Graduating", a very timely topic since half of our group is graduating in a little over a month. A phrase from that conversation has really been ringing in my head today (thanks Amy Chasteen!).
Who you are defines what you do.
So simple, but so loaded with truth, because I think looking at it the opposite way is such a temptation, or even a way of life for most people. It's hard not to let your identity get lost in your actions or your involvements.
I am not defined by the fact that I am a nursing student, a Clemson student, a Ben Lippen grad, a SWO staff member. I'm not defined by being Tommy and Peggy's daughter, Anna's sister, Emily's friend. I am not defined by the fact that I study too much, I trip over my own two feet constantly, I don't like to be left in the dark about things, and I can never find the right words to say. I am not defined by the ways I have messed up, by the ways I have intentionally and unintentionally hurt people, by the things I have done, or by all the ways I will mess up between now and when I go to bed tonight.
I say I know this, but knowing and acting on that knowledge are two different things.

I am going real live camping this weekend. This should be interesting. I am also slightly bummed that TOMS "One Day Without Shoes" is on a Tuesday... I don't think that would go over too well at clinical.

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