

I wrote this easter weekend, and never posted it. until now.

Today I drove home from Clemson. I wasn't really in a driving mood and I was pretty anxious to just get home. I took the toll road. I never take the toll road. I'm still a little mad that they raised the price - a classic reason why i do NOT take the toll road, i'm way too cheap to spend an extra $5 on a round trip just to gain 5 extra minutes.

As i pulled up to the second toll booth and rolled down my window to give the attendant my $1.25, she told me that the car in front of me had paid my toll for me and asked her to tell me "happy easter".
i didn't really know what to think at first. i was grateful that someone was willing to go before me and pay the toll that i owed. But then, I realized, that's what Easter is really about - Jesus going before us and paying our toll.

so, i handed her my $1.25, told her to use it on the person behind me, and drove off.


  1. Powerfull simple illustration of the Gospel! I love this! Seriously, I got some goosebumps from reading it!
