

“But I do not account my life of any value nor as precious to myself, if only I may finish my race and the ministry that I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God.” - Acts 20:24

It’s so hard not to get frustrated right now. This semester has just been ridiculous and I don’t even know how to put that in any other terms. What was expected of me last year as far as schoolwork and other commitments go doesn’t even compare to how much it’s stepped up this year.

Right now, my race is this semester. It’s anatomy, it’s micro, it’s nutrition, it’s music 210, it’s CI, it’s the clinic, it’s church, it’s friends, it’s time management, everything. And it’s so easy to just forget that right here, right now is where i’ve been specifically placed as my ministry and for that reason, I need to finish it with all my heart. To not get burned out and tired and just give up, but to see this present situation as a gift from God and work at it with that mindset.

easier said than done?


summer 10

I’m starting to think a lot about next summer. Where I’m supposed to be and whether or not it’s at Snowbird, or in Clemson, or at home, or somewhere else I haven’t even thought about. I really hope my place is at Snowbird, but I’m just not sure. I’m the type of person who has to have a plan and right now I don’t and I don’t like it.
I’m thinking about Summerlink Clemson. I wanted to do it last summer in Hilton Head, but so many things made me decide not to. If I did do C-link, I’d be working at my church, living in and impacting the city where I’ll be even after the summer, and the people I live and work with with will still be in Clemson next semester. That’s a huge deal for me.
But Snowbird is Snowbird, and I love it. I know it’s where God put me last summer, and I love the people there and seeing how that place is used in so many lives, including my own. I’d love to spend another summer there as long as it’s for the right reasons. I don’t particularly care that C-link would be more comfortable, that I would get more sleep there or live in my apartment instead of a cabin or my car or my hammock. That stuff doesn’t really matter to me.