
random stream of consciousness from finals week

I'm calling this post "random stream of consciousness from finals week" I feel like i have made plenty of good points this week. Laura McLachlan agrees. She is currently not drawing pictures of squirrels today, but her productivity is debatable... as is mine. However, I can't document these epiphanies on facebook as is typical protocal, so this will have to do. I'm sure Elizabeth is the only person who reads this.

1. I have made it through an entire semester of Patho, Pharm, MedSurg AND Health Assessment, and I could not tell you what COLDSPA stands for. whoops.
2. The more I see other school's nursing uniforms, the more I appreciate mine. Even the neon white pants. This is Laura's contribution to my list.
3. If I like anything about finals week, it is the profuse availability of free food. everywhere.
4. I've realized that I have spent $8 on scantrons this semester. Am I not paying enough to take these tests already? Another added expenditure r/t nursing school.
5. DID I REALLY JUST USE R/T IN A SENTENCE? Too pathetic to backspace.
6. I am halfway between wanting to jump off a cliff and crawl into bed right now.
7. Today: Pearl Harbor day. Palmetto Health Externship application day. my dog's birthday. It's a crucial day in history.
8. I have typed the word "diarrhea" so many times this week that I not only know how to spell it, but am slightly alarmed.
9. I have worn both of my Clemson School of Nursing tshirts this week. I think this is a subconscious attempt to get to people to maybe not judge me when they realize how rough I currently look.


  1. i read! and yes, that was a historic day in history, sorry about the diarrhea (I don't know how to spell that)
