
Pi(e) Day

An attempt to write more is kind of worthless without material to write about. I will say in advance that this is probably going to be a rambling post to add to my methods of distraction during class. Anything significant I could write about I wouldn't write about on the internet. So ends the potential for this to turn into food for thought.

I could talk about how irritated I am that all of my friends have either had spring break already, or are currently at the beach, in other countries, sleeping past 7am and not having to struggle over research critiques, truth models and medication profiles... at least for the time being. But next week, while everyone else is dragging themselves out of bed for Monday 8am's, Clemson students will be the ones sleeping in and most certainly gloating about it.

Today during class, I have finished my patho sheet, eaten a pack of bugels, drank about half of Kathleen's nalgene as a direct result of the bugels, caught up on reading Stuff Christians Like, filled out all 3 of my March Madness Brackets - one by flipping a virtual coin - and couldn't tell you a single thing we have talked about in the hour I have been in class. C'est la vie.

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